Monday, January 22, 2018

Tips for after a massage

Here are some post massage self care tips that will help you get the most out of your massage:

1. Drink lots of water for the next 48 hours! This is the most important thing you can do so if this is the only thing you do,  do this. I just want plain old water nothing added in and tea and or coffee definitely don't count. So I am so serious drink your water!!
2. Drink water, did I say that already?
3. Eat light after a massage and into the next day. Massage helps with digestion so you don't want to overload it with heavy foods such as meat and diary. You should though eat light throughout the next day so definitely don't forget to eat.
4. Take it easy, don't overload your body. If you normally work out that should be fine just don't overdue lifting with weights and or cardio. A nice walk or light run should not cause an issue.
5. Pay attention to how your body is feeling after the massage and adjust cordially. Some may need to ice after if the therapist was working deeper into the muscles. A good rule of thumb for ice is 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off depending on discomfort.
6. Stretching your body the day after a massage can also be a good idea if you are experiencing soreness. I love using a foam roller or tennis ball or the stick to help aid in the stretching process.  Here are a couple links I suggest checking out if you are new to these types of helpful aides or have never heard of them:

These tips seem pretty basic but they are important for your body after a massage. Everyone reacts different to massage but following these simple tips will help you get the most out of your massage.